George Lucas Educational Foundation

Restorative Practices

Educators across the country are replacing punitive discipline with a restorative approach, resulting in fewer suspensions and expulsions. Learn how educators make these practices successful in their classrooms and schools.

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  • 4 Ways to Use AI in Implementing Restorative Practices

    Artificial intelligence can be an effective tool in implementing restorative practices by tailoring the approach to the situation.
    Rachel Jorgensen
  • Using Restorative Communication as a Classroom Management Tool

    By avoiding communication blockers, teachers can help students talk through disruptive behavior in the classroom.
  • An Alternative to Punitive Discipline That Really Holds Students Accountable

    True restorative practices call on students to repair what they’ve damaged and earn forgiveness from those they’ve harmed.
  • An Administrator’s Strategy for Calming Disruptive Students so They Can Stay in Class

    When an administrator is called in to deal with a disruptive student, the situation is serious. This is a model for helping the student calm down so they can remain in class.
  • Weekly Circles for Students and Faculty

    See what happens when students and faculty participate in regular meetings to build trust and promote deeper learning.
  • 3 Alternatives to Assigning Detention

    Developing relationships with students to help them make positive choices requires planning and patience, but the work pays off.
  • A Relationship-Driven Strategy for Addressing Challenging Behavior

    Putting relationships first can yield positive results in student success.
  • In the multipurpose room, a large group of middle school students fill one side of the bleachers, some clapping.

    Restorative Justice: Resources for Schools

    Explore resources and case studies that demonstrate how to bring restorative justice to your school or classroom.
  • Using Restorative Justice to Transform School Culture

    When restorative justice is implemented on a schoolwide level, it has the potential to transform relationships between teachers and students.
  • Building Community With Restorative Circles

    A technique for proactively building the skills and relationships students will need when challenges arise.
  • An Alternative to In-School Suspension

    In lieu of a more punitive approach, students use restorative practices to resolve conflicts and reflect on their behaviors.
  • Why Restorative Practices Benefit All Students

    Punitive discipline can be harmful and unfair—restorative practices offer hopeful solutions.
  • Justice Committee: Using Restorative Practices to Resolve Conflicts

    Students at Pittsfield Middle High School are trained to mediate conflicts between their fellow students—and between students and teachers.
  • A Proactive Approach to Discipline

    Restorative discipline seeks to create an environment in which problem behavior is less likely to occur.
  • A Restorative Approach to Grading

    A fresh approach to promoting equity in grading can lead to stronger relationships with students and deeper learning in the classroom.

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