George Lucas Educational Foundation

College Readiness

After graduation, what next? Learn about preparing students for college admission and helping them stay in college once they get there.

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  • Preparing Students With Disabilities for the Transition to College

    There are important differences between disability accommodations in the K–12 and postsecondary settings, and teachers can help students understand them.
    Matthew Vogel
  • An illustration of a figure examining data

    The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2020

    We reviewed hundreds of educational studies in 2020 and then highlighted 10 of the most significant—covering topics from virtual learning to the reading wars and the decline of standardized tests.
  • 8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language

    Ideas for developing students’ capacity to understand and use discipline-specific terminology and the language used in instruction.
  • The College March

    A celebration for high school seniors—most of whom will be the first in their families to go to college—as they submit their applications.
  • In Schools, Are We Measuring What Matters?

    The psychologist, researcher, and MacArthur Fellow Angela Duckworth believes that to make better decisions in our school systems, we need to rethink the way we measure student capabilities.
  • Guiding Students to Craft Disability Disclosure Letters to Support Their Transition to College

    Students might feel uncomfortable disclosing a disability to professors, but doing so can aid their postsecondary success. This email template can help them get started.
  • A New Definition of Rigor

    Rigor doesn't simply mean giving students more or harder work. Instead, it's the result of work that challenges students' thinking in new and interesting ways.
  • 6 Steps for Supporting First-Gen Students in Applying to College

    Here’s a blueprint high schools can use to create a program to ensure that students aren’t overwhelmed by the college application process.
  • The Lasting Value of the Personal Essay

    This writing form has a value that goes beyond the college application as it nurtures self-reflection and inspires creativity.
  • Using AI to Help Students Prepare for the SAT

    Creating college entrance exam prep materials can take a lot of time, but artificial intelligence tools make the process easier.
  • Helping Students With Disabilities Understand Accommodations in College

    High school educators can play an important role in preparing students to request accommodations in college.
  • True Grit: The Best Measure of Success and How to Teach It

    Can you predict academic success or whether a child will graduate? You can, but not how you might think. When psychologist Angela Duckworth studied people in various challenging situations, including National Spelling Bee participants, rookie teachers in tough neighborhoods, and West Point cadets, she found: One characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. And it wasn't social intelligence. It wasn't good looks, physical health, and it wasn't IQ. It was grit.
  • Will Ditching Calculus Make Math More Relevant?

    Increasingly, statistics and datasets are in the air we breathe, and some renowned mathematicians say it’s time for K-12 math to reflect this new reality.
  • Incorporating the College Essay Into Your Curriculum

    Writing college application essays is stressful, and this 10-day lesson can help. And the writing practice benefits those students who don’t plan to attend college as well.
  • Demystifying College for First-Generation Students

    Students without a family history of higher education benefit from simple lessons on navigating life in college.

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George Lucas Educational Foundation

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