Stephen Hurley
Grade Eight Teacher, Group Moderator, Facilitator/teacher arts@newman
Stephen has spent the past 25 years exploring the many dimensions of teaching in a publicly funded school system just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In addition to working in the classroom environment, he has acted as a consultant in the area of technology and curriculum design/implementation, as well as an instructor in the preservice teacher education program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Stephen is passionately committed to exploring how the experience of school can reimagined for both students and teachers. For the past four years, Stephen has been working at Cardinal Newman Elementary School in Brampton, Ontario where he has spearheaded the design and implementation of arts@newman, an arts-based, integrated, approach to the grade seven and eight curriculum.
Stephen was thrilled to be named the Arts Educator of the Year for 2009 by the Rose Theatre in Brampton.